123.JPGOn a scale of one to awesome, Mom says this smile is fantabulastic. – Kiran

122.JPGOHMYGOD! Guess what?! Who has an opportunity to be on the cover of January’s Parenting Magazine? ME! Can you believe it? Somebody pinch me! Mr. Casting Director just needs a recent head shot of me.   




29.JPGHowever, my agent tells me the magazine would prefer a 6 month old baby. Hmmmm…how am I going to make this work? Verdell! Call the spa and make me an appointment for a facial! STAT! Russell! I’m going to need a seaweed wrap ASAP!




41.JPGOr we could just turn to my best friend Photoshop. Seriously, the airbrush tool can take the months off like that. – Kiran      



P1010392.JPGYou found me! Okay. This time, you count to ten gajillion and then find me. – Kiran 


119.JPGPsssst, psssst. Shhhhh…Come here. Come closer. Don’t tell Mom and Dad but I just bought the island of Mahpwapapuah on Ebay. Is that bad? – Kiran



38.JPGOn Sunday mornings I enjoy working out story arcs for my upcoming novel, “Renjiro Tiny Saves the Day”. My grand plan? To become the most iconic writer since that guy who wrote all those plays. You know the one I want to say… Shakesberg? – Kiran

118.JPGWhen Mom and Dad hit the mall, I kick off my shoes, put my feet up and get comfy because it is going to be a loooooong day. – Kiran

28.JPGPost-Thanksgiving I like to roll casual style with my homies. (“What up homies!”) – Kiran   




117.JPGHappy Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble, gobble, gobble… – Kiran 



116.JPGVerdell, I think we’re going to have to postpone the expedition to the top of the stairs today. Call up the sherpas from Nepal and see if we can get our deposit back. – Kiran

35.JPGDad is headed to Quebec this morning. (“Dad don’t forget to bring me back a tee-shirt that reads ‘Je t’aime Montreal’ and a beret.”) – Kiran