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Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days. Kiran’s World will be emerging from a short sabbatical looking refreshed and svelte. Please return a few weeks from now, maybe, hopefully, for all new photos and posts. Ciao for now everyone! – Kiran
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If you were out on Thursday night and saw a bright star shining in the northern half of the sky you’re already aware that the long-prophesized birth of my little brother has come to pass. Little Shaan (pronounced ‘Shawn’) was born at 7:50 am Thursday morning, weighing in at 7 lbs 7 ounces, and 19.5 inches. He has black hair like Mom, Dad’s nose and the ability to heal lepers with a simple gaze. – Kiran
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I’d like to go on vacation with All-You-Can-Eat BBQ’s. And I don’t care who knows it! Just me and big, seasoned, buttery slices of BBQ. Wrestling on some beach in Hawaii. Greco-Roman style. Just having a good old fashioned romp. That’s how much I love All-You-Can-Eat BBQ’s. – Kiran
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Look, I know it’s a slow news day Zebbie, but come on. That’s the best caption you can come up with? – Kiran
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Yeah, man! Down with diapers! Let’s take to the streets and get the word out on the mind-blowing vortex of sheer awesomeness that is underwear! Viva la revolucion! Look at my pants! – Kiran
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Did you hear? We’ve moved offices and are currently looking for a designer to spruce up our new digs. Half of the staff is thinking ‘musty newsroom/shabby internet cafe’ vibe while the other half – namely, me – is pulling for flat screen plasma tv’s galore, a volleyball court with bleachers, a giant fire pit and outdoor showers. (“Um, yea, so Dad about my decorating budget….”) – Kiran
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Mom and Dad have one more thing to worry about: What to name my soon-to-be-brother. Their solution? Hiring a baby-naming consultant, “Ralph” (pronounced Ra-Fay). But his suggestions: Mike, Jason and Brett have no sense of fun, flyness or flossiness whatsoever. So I put it to you, the readers to come up with some serious baby name suggestions and the email responses were overwhelming. Below is a list of the best and most plausible picks:
Hermes Trismegistus
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Oooo…What’s worse then pleated jeans, “short people who try to enlighten tall people about the short experience,” and Diet Dr. Pepper? Going out barefoot to pick up the morning paper and immediately feeling a big fat slug go *squish* between your toes. Yup. – Kiran
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Carrots: They’re not just something you consume. Carrots cure constipation, calm your nerves and gives you pep. Not to mention: a single-serving of carrots defeated Hitler in 1945. – Kiran