
Come by later this afternoon and I’ll be modeling my time traveling battle vest from 87th century Pluto, a talking animatronic parrot from ancient Greece, a hat from Billy The Kid’s private collection and a dress shirt from Banana Republic circa 2007. – Shaan


You already know that sunscreen is good for preventing cancer and funky looking moles, but do you know which lotions will take your melanoma protection to a whole new level? Here’s some of my favorite sun blocks and tanning lotions:

Banana Boat SPF 50 is amazing. If only this stuff were edible. I’d spread it on sandwiches, pour it over pancakes and squirt it on hot dogs. Super smooth and a very nice pina colada-y smell.

Coppertone 4 has that classic, salty, summer smell. It’s a little too oily and tangles my chest hair a little too much, but overall provides perfect coverage.

Exotic Blend Australian Gold SPF 30 Spray Gel is a spray which I usually avoid. However, the silky sleekness of this sunscreen provides a memorable tan. Three generous sprays should do the trick.


What’s the dealio, Fozzy Bear? There we are at an over-hyped art show: Me, for the all you can eat canapes; you, for the female nude bear portraits? I give you the “Yo brah” sign and you proceed to turn you back and snub me. My guess is you had the night free because: (a) the Muppets cut you out of the new muppet movie; or (b) your new acting coach — Steven Seagal — had to stay home to groom his ponytail. Consider yourself served Foz-man. – Shaan


I would like an ear on my back. A very large, wing-like ear that would hook into my spine. It would be fresh, flirty and move about based on my emotions. (“He says he’s happy but look at that ear — it’s folding over. You know what that means.”) Yes, a back ear – that’s what I want for Christmas. – Kiran


I recently bought air. I don’t know when gas stations started charging for air. You either have to pay 50 cents for two minutes of air or you can buy gas and they’ll turn on the air. I bought gas. Mom says that when she was a kid, there was an old man in a denim jumper who worked at the local gas station who pumped gas, adjusted the tire pressure, checked the oil and washed the windshield — all for FREE. Now, you have to pay for air, which seems like something every breathing, driving human should have a right to. I hate to sound like Andy Rooney but what is this world coming to? – Kiran




Have you heard about this? Grimace-skin coats. Baby grimaces are hunted and beaten with clubs and then stripped of their skin. The skin is made into coats that are packed inside Happy Meals and sold only at McDonalds in Beverly Hills and Dubai. What’s wrong with you Ronald McDonald? – Kiran


Let’s face it: I’ve gained some weight. It’s time to stop pretending I haven’t. I’ve tried to lie to myself about it. I’ve blamed my unfortunate “Howdy Doody” cheeks. I’ve blamed the mirror in my room for being at the wrong angle. I’ve even scolded the Chinese dry cleaning lady down the street for shrinking my clothes. But they’re all excuses. I’ve gained a little weight. I’m 3 years old, with expendable income, a sedentary lifestyle and questionable dietary habits. It was bound to happen. – Shaan

