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Megatron should really be more careful with his social media posts. In the past hour I have observed the following:
Facbook status update: “Using Propofol without an EKG!””
Facebook status update 5 minutes later: “Sorry – that was supposed to be in Google”
Facbook status update: “Toxic space spores clouding my ability to wield the Sword of Omens in final battle against Darth Vader”
Facebook status update 5 minutes later: “Sorry my bad – Google mistake again”
Facbook status update: “eMetering my passive-aggressive anger resulting from child-rearing”
Facebook status update 5 minutes later: “Whoops”*
[*Editor’s Note: The last post was incorrectly attributed to Megatron. Everyone knows Mom’s the only one that uses an eMeter for stress relief.]
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My girlfriend Shawna and I designed this ring using a 14.35 ct raw uncut blue diamond. It was chipped down to about 11.33 ct after the minimal cut and polish. We like to call her Shiney. – Shaan
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Get on the phone with Sweden! I’ve always wanted a pillow that can safely hold all my gummy candies, so that I can snack in bed when I have the munchies. All on you now Ikea. – Shaan
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Thank you internet “Black Friday” deals! Because of you I was able to get my monogrammed yacht without being endlessly elbowed by Heisman worthy stiff arms. And all while staying in bed all day watching cartoons. – Shaan
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Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving filled with carbs and family. – Kiran
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Saying you’re happy with what God gave you only counts when you haven’t had plastic surgery. So Mrs. Potatohead can’t get three nose jobs and be all: “Yeah, God really blessed me.” It’d be like RoboCop saying how lucky he is God gave him a naturally bulletproof body and a sweet robotic head. – Kiran