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It has been an excellent five days guest-blogging for Kiran and Shaan. The tone for the week was pretty much set by my first morning – blogging with some of Shaan’s wavier and longer hair extensions. After that, it was a nonstop carnival of changing his WhiteStrips every 30 minutes and wearing what I was told is the legally mandated guest-blogger uniform: leggings, a potato sack, four belts and Ugg boots. So it is with great regret that I leave this marvelous and life-affirming experience and bid you all adieu. Bye-bye everyone! – Spinachdip
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Yes, it’s 98 degrees outside. And that’s a warning to all of you — especially you, Mr. Pale — to wear sunscreen this weekend. That is, if you’re planning to leave the house. And why wouldn’t you? As great as air conditioning is, spending quality time with your friends is that much cooler. Get it? Cooler? (Okay, okay, I know, enough with the temperature puns). – Spinachdip
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Uh, I think Elmo is addicted to Diet Coke. It might sound like an innocuous enough addiction, but the truth is Diet Coke really is the devil’s 1-calorie candy. I mean, he quite literally wakes up with a Diet Coke in his hand, downs another one while still in the shower and then uses the syrup from a previously opened can to style his fur. – Spinachdip
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Mmmm…not much to report today. Mr. Potatohead is waltzing in here reeking of Aveda and Cool Ranch Doritos and Optimus Prime is: (a) calling everyone gay; (b) calling everyone homophobes; (c) being called reverse-homophobic for projecting homophobia onto others; and (d) being called gay. – Spinachdip
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Hello – My name is Spinachdip. As Kiran and Shaan recuperate, I’ll be filling in as guest editor for the rest of the week. Kiran and Shaan will still be on the premises to handle minor business matters, so don’t fret. As for myself, I enjoy long walks on the beach, 800-thread-count sheets and the Yankee Candle Company’s “Wedding Day” scent. I haven’t the foggiest clue about blogging so please be patient while I figure this out. I should be able to fake it reasonably well by Saturday. – Spinachdip
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As of this writing, I am receiving oxygen and intravenous fluids, after succumbing late last night to Kiran’s ebola germs. But I’ll be fine. Sort of. Anyways, instead of going on hiatus while everyone recovers, I’ll be turning the editorial reins over to my dear green friend and very special guest editor Spinachdip. Posts may be intermittent as he’ll be working very hard fluffing my pillows while fanning me with palm fronds and fetching my Frappucinos. – Shaan
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As most of you know, Kiran (CDC code name: Patient Zero) has come down with a nasty viral infection and so I am doing a “Cheney” — heading the search committee for a temporary managing editor of Kiran and Shaan’s World and choosing myself. Mostly, I’ll be here to handle any heavy lifting, light dusting or gift-wrapping. – Shaan
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As some of you may have heard, for the past few days I have been way-laid with a mysterious fever inducing illness. While my condition has stabilized, I went to visit Auntie today who quickly diagnosed me with a common viral infection. Her recommendation? Plenty of fluid and rest would hasten my recovery. Apparently rushing to my nearest ER, screaming, “I THINK I CAUGHT EBOLA! I’M GOING TO DIE!! WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!” has no recuperative value. – Kiran
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Hieeeee! How are you? That’s a cute shirt you’re wearing today! Let me guess: you got that top at H&M, you are picking up a salmon patty at Whole Foods and you are going home to watch Project Runway while wearing a Biore nosestrip. How do I know all this? I’m psychic. Like for instance, I know that while YOU are on the phone, you are either trying on clothes and thinking you need to lose 5 more pounds, picking at your skin in the bathroom mirror or eating a wheel of cheese. I know, I’m brilliant, right? – Shaan