You know, as I’ve been sitting here writing and posting all day, I’ve been wondering where we’re gonna go this New Year’s Eve to get our “freak on”. This has been a slow day and I’ve been distracted by thoughts of “the party,” and where “it’s at.” Lord knows “the party” is the single most important thing on New Year’s Eve and if you don’t know where “it’s at” then you’re pretty much out of luck. Thankfully, I now know where “the party is at.” (Psst-psst…over there…house party at the Potatoheads.) – Kiran
Last night, I made a list of my New Year’s resolutions because I’m feeling listless and, hence, lazy — and list-making is the lazy way to write. So to pass the time, here is everyone’s New Year’s resolutions for 2009:
Dad: To embody the spirit of solar gypsies traveling on a caravan of discovery (“Wait, seriously Dad? Because that was my first New Year’s resolution, to embody the spirit of solar gypsies. The caravan was totally optional.”)
Mom: To engage in more compulsory joy
Kiran: To post fewer fluff pieces and obfuscatory filler posts on Kiran’s World
Russell: To use fewer words like “obfuscatory”
Elmo: “To host an extra special episode of Sesame Street where I get to snap my fingers and say “Oh, no, he di’int” at the end of every scene.”
Shaan: Find more time to be delicately massaged with $100 dollar bills
Apu: “Who do I need to talk to about laser hair removal?”
By smushing together two different colored clumps of Play-Doh and Moon Sand I have managed to create a completely new form of matter. I call it “Teniscus Turchicus “. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I fully expect it to win a Nobel prize. No, wait, make that two Nobel Prizes. And a Pulitzer. Yeah, one of those. – Kiran
Today’s “Video of the Day” depicts a cameraman’s epic struggle between filming my great mandibular strength or zooming in on my muscular finger cleavage. Think Spartacus but without all the acting and plot. – Shaan
It’s the day after Christmas and all I’ve been doing is stumbling around in a candy cane-fueled haze. Empty cartons of Ben & Jerry’s Limited Edition Christmas Swirl are everywhere. And because of my appalling fondness for holiday Doritos dipped in Gorgonzola I’m only wearing elastic waistbands today. Things are not good. – Kiran
What do you do when the world’s economy is falling apart and God only knows when things will get better? Duh! Get together with your favorite Aunt and start building some sofa-and-blanket forts stat! – Shaan
…but I specifically told the temp agency that I wanted to be Master of the Universe but instead, I had to settle for World’s Sexiest Man. *sigh* – Kiran