

fds19.jpg“In Maverick World, no maverick will ever be taxed, regardless of whether he or she is a maverick, because we are all mavericks, at heart.” – TV Announcer

HUH?! – Kiran

fds17.jpgI like to watch a variety of television shows. I enjoy everything from delicately nuanced dramas (‘Gray’s Anatomy’) to brain-rotting reality shows (‘Gray’s Anatomy’). I also don’t mind ‘Gray’s Anatomy.’ – Kiran

fds18.jpgBut Elmo, how do you know without a doubt, 100% absolutely positively that Paris Hilton gave you herpes? I mean, yes, you may have the biggest cold sore in Christendom, but do we ever truly know anything? – Kiran

fds16.jpgDudes have an elaborate and highly codified set of behaviors that we do when we want you to look at us. If we’re giggling and crying at the same time, it means: Console us. If we’re huddled next to you in an otherwise empty car, leaning our head against your shoulder and puckering our lips, it means: We’re in love. – Kiran

fds15.jpgThere are a few important — and DEVELOPING — stories that I will surely share with you all at a later time, like when I’m not rushing off for a pedicure. (Hello! Priorities!) – Kiran

fds14.jpgIt’s Wednesday and just so you know, the anthem of the day is: Don’t give away the milk for free when the cow’s already been bought. – Shaan

[Editor’s Note: Um, I don’t think you meant what this sentence actually says. – Kiran]

fds13.jpgUmmm, so I just heard that the casting agent for the Death of a Salesman revival is looking to immediately hire an actor who can infuse the role of Willie Loman with quiet desperation and impersonate Donald Trump at the same time. Gutsy choice. Aside from the unique casting I’m also told that the production will be different from all other Arthur Miller commemorative productions in one important way: puppets. – Kiran

fds11.jpgOn Monday mornings I like to start my day with a sticky bun and a relaxing sippy cup of kombucha tea steaming at my elbow. Everyone else however is getting a jump start on their personal projects. Shaan is writing a 24-part epic poem using only personalized ring tones and Verdell is advancing the agenda of showtunes. (“More jazz hands!”) – Kiran

fds10.jpgWhat does it say about our current zeitgeist when women size you up only by the quantity and measurements of your flat screen television collection. I wonder what Shaan is doing about this?* – Kiran

[* Measuring my plasma television screens. – Shaan]