Sorry for the lack of posts. The computer is on the fritz (again) and the IT guys are no use. The moment technology goes haywire, whether it be computers or metal in the microwave, they start screaming and flailing their arms. Lesson learned: You get what you pay for when you use Craigslist. I was paying in pizza rolls and I got a bunch of IT dudes from New Jersey. In any event, thank you for your patience.  Come by again for more posts and photos. – Kiran



                                                                      A DAY AT THE PARK


                                               OFFICIAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!


P1030571I can only hope that my modest muscle building efforts will bring my puny arms that much closer to realizing their dreams of strutting around with cantaloupe-sized biceps and Popeye-like forearms. – Shaan


Uh, hello everyone, um, I’m just trying to recall the events of last night and how I ended up with a sun tattoo on my belly. The night started with a simple game of backgammon before heading off to Ye Olde Kings Head for some fish and chips with a friend and then my memories become hazy at best. After much consideration however, I think I’m going to keep the ink, since it will fit in with my overall tough guy make-over. – Shaan




While everyone else spends countless hours working on their pre-summer tans, I’ll be lying in my magical tanning bed for 10 minutes a week and—BAM!!—I’ll instantly be a wonderful golden tan. Although I prefer to be the color of wet infield clay, I can fully appreciate the full color spectrum of browns. – Shaan

                                                          A DAY AT THE SPECTRUM


                                                             HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!


Another day, another Shaanuary. For those of you who don’t know, Shaanuary is a month long celebration of all things me including a daily birthday party and visits to the local ice cream parlor. Please join us on our final event in Shaanuary when I plan to rent out the club Les Deux and pass out milkshakes for everybody in Hollywood. – Shaan
