

Traditionally Christmas trees are taken down on New Year’s Day – but not at our house. We like to keep it up as long as possible. In the spring we’ll start to call it our March-mas tree. – Kiran


Growing up on a steady diet of Star Trek and Deep Space Nine, I figured we’d have moon colonies and robot servants by now. Instead, we’ve got iPhones that can’t get a signal and PCs that have us laboring over them for hours trying to decode error messages. Seriously, we are never going to discover warp technology at this rate. – Shaan


I recently attended the Orange County Lego workshop in Downtown Disney. Asked to build a character that best represented myself, I designed Ninjastar Dangerrock, wearer of the Great Mask of Truth. Note the colossal cleaving axe in his right hand and the powerful exclamation point laser gun in his left. – Shaan


Happy Martin Luther King day! Those of you forced to work today will have to celebrate his legacy in your cubicles. – Kiran

                                                               CUPCAKE A LA KIRAN


                                                                                   MY SUPER MODEL POSE


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Today’s post goes out to someone special: It was the 12:30 showing of the Star Wars Marathon at the Supergigametroplex in Anaheim. You were the one with your hair in Leia buns. I was dressed as a Storm Trooper. I went to get some popcorn. You stood in line ahead of me and bought a large Diet Coke and Junior Mints. You said “May the Force be with you” to the cashier and as you turned around you grazed the outer casing of my arm plate. I jokingly said “Move along rebel scum” and you smiled back. I’d really like to see you again and talk to you about my plans for world domination. Or maybe just a cup of coffee? If you are reading this, call me. – Kiran


Don’t have any plans tonight? Come join us for our first annual Elvis Presley sing-a-long/pointer-finger dance. Peanut-butter-and-banana-sandwiches to follow. – Shaan