Has everyone started brushing up on their baby-ese? If not, feel free to practice by translating the following phrases and facial expressions. (Hint: Don’t forget to conjugate the verbs.) – Kiran


1. Things to do: Nap. (Alternatively, go back to bed.)






2. Power-burping is so exhausting.





3. Hey! That bottle isn’t filled to the top!

P16.JPGHey, you know what would really jump start the economy? Manufacturing jet skis with their own snack-bars. But will the heads of state in Washington listen to me? Ha. Never. They want to talk to somebody with “a degree in economics” who “doesn’t get financial advice from Cookie Monster.” I’ll have you know these ideas make me all kinds of money. What’s that, Cookie Monster? Diversify my funds with nachos? I’M ON IT! – Kiran

P15.JPGCould Shaan be any more ridiculously good looking? Sometimes I look at him and think, “I’m almost not the most attractive thing ever. Almost.” Then afterwards I go look at myself in the mirror and angels start singing which makes me feel better. – Kiran



P14.JPGMen’s publications often give confusing advice about how to achieve that impossibly ‘cut’ look. But what does it really take to get fit? An iron will? The Eye of the Tiger? Buckets of sweat? Well, my highly-defined abdominal muscles were chiseled by cross-training with Zeus himself. But remember, when working out with Zeus, do not attempt to challenge his supremacy; we are mere mortals, after all. One does not out-cardio Zeus. – Kiran 


Getting a fake tattoo to “feel a little more tough” is like wearing a Super Bowl ring even if you’ve never played football let alone won the Super Bowl. Sure it looks cool but it means nothing. And that’s not quite right. It’s like wearing the vestments of toughness without actually going through the process. – Kiran

(Full disclosure: I have some tattoos. Real ones. But don’t tell Mom.)

P12.JPGI’m back from pseudo-vacation which I spent doing the following: lost those last 10 pounds, found inner peace and learned about nude beaches and sunburn and let’s just leave it at that. – Kiran




Sorry for the lack of posts today. We’ve got some people looking into it and should hopefully have the site back to normal shortly. I’m pretty sure I know what the problem is, but Tech Support doesn’t know how to troubleshoot the family of bats that flew out of the server. – Shaan

P11.JPG“Don’t let this full head of luscious hair fool you. I used to be bald from the endless amounts of hairspray I used doing that hairdo and I’m not ashamed of it. But how does he do it? The man is a GOD.” – An excerpt from Shaan’s testimonial for Robert Smith, frontman for seminal new wave/goth band The Cure

P2.JPGTuesdays are for yoga. Here I am demonstrating the incredibly advanced “frog” pose. Yogis everywhere have tried but few have succeeded. – Shaan

P1.JPGI’m still technically on a bona fide break, but Shaan has kindly offered to helm Kiran’s World for a few days while I continue to vacation – over the course of which I will sleep and drink things adorned with umbrellas. – Kiran

(In response to your emails saying “WHO??”: Shaan Thakur is my little brother, studied “cuteness” at Wharton, is 25% more riboflavin then Captain Crunch, and hates LCD Soundsystem, but likes Bjork.)