

If you have an hour to kill today please come and see our new three piece ska/punk band Panthera as we rock out to an audience of 22 at The Coffee Bean. I will wear a lion mask and sing intently – most likely about a lion. – Kiran



P1060119In this post-modern, irony-drenched, insta-kitsch, futuristic wasteland we’re forced to wade through, new things that seem old are cooler than new things that look new. That is, until the new-old things become popular and turn into old-new-old things and then people start saying that the new-new or newer-new-old things are cool. Confused? Me too. – Kiran

P1060165Yes, Republicans chronically invoke all kinds of scary language to remind us all of how dangerous the world is. But Democrats do too – and really, the world can be a scary place, especially if you live in a hipster neighborhood. (Legwarmers are back. Again.) – Shaan

P1070008Ever been sucker punched by a Japanese  sumo wrestler? If not, Dad’s wasabi peas, will leave a similar after taste. After my first mouthful, my taste buds incited a riot that knocked out two of my teeth and cut off half my tongue. I’ve never been to Japan, but I can only imagine its people stay away from this “snack” and instead opt for a more sedentary flavor. – Shaan






I was reading a Victoria’s Secret catalogue yesterday (Yes – you heard me, reading), when boom — there it was — a bra made entirely of rubies and diamonds. I thought it would be like, $100 — but nope — $12 million. For all of you in the multi-million dollar lingerie market, you can now do all of your shopping at Victoria’s Secret. As for me, I don’t wear bras, but if I did, they would be made from the finest skin of Egyptian mummies. Pharaohs only. – Shaan


I love my editorial job at Kiran and Shaan’s World – don’t get me wrong. But explaining what I do usually involves talking about writer’s block, entry level feats of data entry and maybe HTML code contortionism. So by Friday night at a cocktail social event, I shudder when I hear, “So what do you do?” Consequently, I have decided that it’s okay to lie. Most recently, I have become a body piercer. It’s believable and simple, which I have found to be a crucial part of lying. I have several appointments already to pierce total strangers I have met out at book readings and parties. – Kiran